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NaBloPoMo: The Beginning

December 1, 2009

Whew!  I made it!  So, with the complete and utter madness of my first ever NaNoWriMo safely behind me, I am embarking on a new challenge (hey, a girl’s gotta keep busy, right?).  Without further ado, I am happily (and somewhat randomly and with very little preparation, but I won’t think about that just now) commencing National Blog Posting Month – or NaBloPoMo.  If the acronym seems scarily familiar for those of you who just about managed to tolerate willingly and enthusiastically supported my foray into the world of the month-long novelist, I implore you:  Panic Not.  NaBloPoMo is a very different beast.

Yes, the name is almost the same – for the simple reason that it started as a spoof, inspired by NaNo.  However, all that NaBloPoMo entails is posting something on my blog, every day, for a month.  The main month for NaBloPoMo is November, but as you may remember I was otherwise engaged back then!  It runs all year round though, so I decided why not let 2009 go out with a bang by participating in this wonderful endeavour?

I actually think that, for me, this challenge will be harder than NaNo was.  Yes, there is less writing involved – trust me, I will not be boring you with 50,000 words for this one!  The thing is, I have to do it every day.  That means that I have to remember to do it every day!  With my short-term memory issues, this could prove to be a very interesting quest indeed!  My promise to you is that I will do my very best to post something of at least partial interest every day.  Some days I will succeed.  Most days I will not.  But there will be a post every day!

This isn’t like NaNo, where I will be draining you all of your loving encouragement and supportive resources.  I will post every day.  You can read it, you can ignore it, or you can pretend you never heard of me and delete me from your GReader until January (and common sense) prevails once again!  Whichever option you decide to choose, my posts will be here diligently awaiting your perusal every day.

Happy December, my dear friends.

5 Comments leave one →
  1. December 1, 2009 23:03

    Oh, wow! I wish I had known about this—I just finished November with a post every day 🙂 Good luck to you, Hannah! Tell us about Chipmunk each day. That’ll keep everyone connected and fulfill the challenge!

    • bubbleboo permalink
      December 2, 2009 17:32

      Thanks so much, David. You should do it through NaBlo next November – they have prizes! 😀

  2. Gina Watson permalink
    December 2, 2009 01:47

    I will visit daily if my link allows me to and I know you can do it.

  3. December 2, 2009 02:24

    Hi… I popped on over from NaBloPoMo… I finished November but I can’t seem to let go of the site! Anyway good luck with the daily blogging! 🙂

    • bubbleboo permalink
      December 2, 2009 17:31

      Thanks so much for coming over! And congrats on finishing November – I may try to do November next year, at the same time as NaNo! Feel free to stop by any time 😀

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